Avalon Eidolon Speaker Also In HFN This Month In 2003

Also In HFN This Month In 2003

Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista
David Berriman reviews MF's heavyweight SACD player.

Sonus Faber remona Auditor
Ken Kessler hears the compact standmount that follows the Cremona floorstander.

Gallo Acoustics Due
Can these 'lifestyle' bracket speakers offer convincing sound as well? Kessler tells all.

Roksan Xerxes X
Tony Bolton considers the latest updates to Roksan's Xerxes turntable, the company's most famous product.

Williams-Hart amplifier kit
A British black box, kit option, using a classic circuit design. Ivor Humphreys takes a look.

Canton Ergo 900
These German floorstanders offer formidable build and sound quality, says Jonathan Gorse.

The Kimber treatment
Long-time user Tony Bolton tests Russ Andrews and Kimber mains filters and interconnects.

Onkyo DV-SP800
Forget the SACD vs DVD-A battles as here's another universal player ready to storm the market, says Paul Miller.